The Rise of Microwave Induced Plasmas: Fundamentalsand Applications, Guillermo Grindlay, University of Alicante, Spain.
A Performance Comparison Between N2 and Ar-based ICP-OES for High Metal Containing Matrices, Bert van der Hoeff, AEMAS, Netherlands
Versatility of Nitrogen Microwave Induced PlasmaMass Spectrometry in Elemental and Isotopic Analysis, C.Abad, BAM, Berlin, Germany.
A New Frontier: Real-Time Analysis of TraceMetals in Air by Microwave Induced Plasma Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry(mipTOF), A. Gundlach-Graham, TOFWERK AG, Thun,Switzerland.
Innovations in Battery Material Quality Control:Microwave-Induced Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry(MICAP-OES) for Elemental Analysis, J. Pérez Vázquez,University of Alicante, Spain.
Evaluating N2-Based Plasma for Discrete EntityAnalysis Using Microwave-Sustained Inductively Coupled Atmospheric PressurePlasma-Mass Spectrometry in Single-Event Mode, A. Rua-Ibarz, Univ. ofZaragoza / BAM, Berlin, Germany
Investigations on Laser- and Plasma-FractionationEffects in LA-ICP-MS, D. Kӓser, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland/ Ghent Univ., Ghent, Belgium